Established in 1992, ALMA ROSES has been providing customers with high quality roses and spray roses, together with personalized customer service. We are highly committed to the wellbeing of our collaborators and to the care of the environment.
We are located in Tabacundo, Ecuador. We produce 20 hectares of roses and garden roses with 59 varieties; and 6 hectares of spray roses and garden spray roses with 49 varieties. We also produce Tinted and Painted roses in a wide range of colors and combinations.
Our product excellence guarantee is matched by our strict production, environmental, and labor policies. This commitment is evidenced by our Rainforest Alliance, Flor Ecuador, and BASC certifications.
Our quality and commitment have allowed us to always be at the forefront in our industry, to distribute our product globally, to share our passion for growing roses, and to share the essence of soul in every one of our flowers.